Welcome back miracle makers! The ECDM board is so thrilled to have you all back on campus and are so excited to keep making miracles with you all! We hope you all have gotten a chance to settle back into the swing of things, and for those of you new to campus are adjusting well. For the remainder of the semester, the ECDM board has already started planning COVID cautious events and fundraisers, that we can all be apart of! Be on the lookout for our upcoming push days, Chipotle fundraiser, special events, and most importantly emails for the main event!!
We are only six weeks out from our dance marathon, and while it may look a little different, your continued efforts are appreciated and will be celebrated. This year has been like no other but every dollar and every penny means the world to the ECDM board and our friends at Boston Children’s Hospital!
In these final weeks, please continue your efforts, as we continue ours.
Every penny counts!