The first Monday of every October, the United States recognizes Child Health Day, a day dedicated to the health and care of children across the country. Child Health Day aims to increase public awareness for the importance of childhood health and development.
Emmanuel College Dance Marathon’s mission is to continuously be apart of children’s health and improving their care at Boston Children’s Hospital. For the last ten years, ECDM has focused on the phrase “until every child is well” as our fundraising efforts have gone directly to the Every Child Fund at Boston Children’s.
This year, we are using Child Health Day as the launch to ECDM ‘20-’21, as we recognize kids can’t wait. Now more than ever, kids need our help in making their stays at Boston Children’s that much better. With so much uncertainty in the world, these children and their families have had to continue their battles right along side Coronavirus. It reminds us that kids really can’t wait, and with your help we are that much closer to making sure every child is well.
By registering today, donating an extra dollar, or spreading our mission, you play an important role in achieving this goal!
“Securing a bright future for America’s daughters and sons requires us to continue expanding access to quality health care and working to foster cleaner, safer and more supportive environments”