We are so excited to kick off ECDM 2020 Recruitment Week with Miracle Madness Monday! Through the next week, ECDM will be working to increase our number of participants and highlighting our top fundraisers thus far! We would like to thank all of you who have already donated and continue to encourage your friends and peers to join us in this fight, until every child is well! A special shout out to our top three fundraisers, Kathryn Smith, Annabel Pino, and Rebecca Wiencek!
Today we celebrate all the miracles made possible by your continued efforts and Children’s Miracle Network. More importantly we recognize the children who continue to amaze us with their strength, bravery, and courage.
Now more than ever, these kids need your help! To see where your efforts are going, click the link below!
We hope you are as excited as we are to create so many miracles this year!
Check out our Instagram @ecdancemarathon and Facebook @ Emmanuel College Dance Marathon to see what is happening this week and find out how you can enter to win great prizes!
“Kindness in words creates confidence. Kindness in thinking creates profoundness. Kindness in giving creates love.”